Introducing: Black Circus: a developing community project in Portland, Or
Funtunfunefu Denkyemfunefu: Andinkra Symbol of Unity in diversity, democracy
Organizers and Performers Oro Santiago and Belinda Rose
A place of our own…
Black Circus was conceived in 2021 born out of the same needs as Ori Gallery: a space to practice our crafts, hone our skills and just exist outside of the white gaze and paternalism of majority white institutions. Students, coaches and organizers came together to provide a few weeks of outdoor training and it quickly became apparent that we needed and deserved our own collective.
We are a non-hierarchical group of Black Circus folks from across the diaspora who are dedicated to founding an all Black training, performance and community oriented space by Us, for Us that rebukes misogynoir, abuse culture and anti-Blackness. Currently in organizing stages and in search of a physical location for training and performance: we welcome new organizers as well as patrons, supporters and the like!
Organizer and Performer Oro Santiago
Our Values:
Transparency, Accountability, Collective education and learning, commitment to Anti oppressive framework and action amnd a committment to Anti-capitalist & people centered decisions and operations
Organizar and Student, Roux Haile
We operate as an independent, sponsored project of Ori Gallery all donations are tax deductible., Please note your contributions as “Black Circus” to ensure correct distribution of funds. You may also give via Cashapp: $origallery